Anyone who is familiar with the Androsia clothing line knows that there are a lot of options as far as styles, patterns, prints, and colors. Some of the pieces themselves are designed to be worn more ways than one. And some of them just get worn in more ways than one because our amazingly creative customers, guests, and staff have figured out nifty little ways to make 1 piece look like 10.
Okay, so not all of the pieces have 10 different options. Some only have one. But you'd be surprised what you can do with that slightly too large button-down. Some of the pieces, like the wrap-around top and skirt, have so many possibilities it's hard to keep track of all of them.
This blog is designed for the purpose of displaying some of the cool things you may have never thought of doing with that piece you bought yesterday, or 5 years ago. We also want to encourage anyone who has a fun new way to wear one of the items to let us know by sending a picture to androsia.shbl@gmail.com and simple instructions of how you did it. That way, we can share all of these marvelous and creative new ideas with everyone who loves Androsia, and encourage the fashion side of the imagination.